
An increasing number of people choose to temporarily retreat from their busy lives, to experience what the soul needs: silence, rest and prayer. The unique location of our abbey in the countryside also encourages inner reflection.

Peace & silence

The monastery’s door is always open to guests who are prepared to respect the rules. These are rules that guarantee peace and quiet, during the day as well as in the evening and at night.
Our main offering is and always will be our way of life. We offer the experience of life in a community. By following the monks’ daily routine, guests celebrate the liturgy and observe the silence together. We greatly value having our guests participate in our daily rhythm and the liturgical celebrations.

We make no prior selection with regard to the background of our guests. In addition to many religious people from a variety of denominations, guests with no clear religious profile, who want to get to know our way of life are also welcome.
Please bear in mind that we sometimes receive many requests for stays. In this case we use a waiting list so that everyone has a chance.

… As an integral part of Cistercian life

Receiving guests in the abbey is based on the writings of Saint Benedict dating back to the 6th century in the Rule of Saint Benedict for monks: ‘All guests who present themselves are to be welcomed as Christ, for he himself will say: “I was a stranger and you welcomed Me.”‘ (Source: Rule of Saint Benedict, Chapter 53)

Considerable attention is also devoted to this matter in the constitutions of the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance (OSCO). ‘Dependent upon the circumstances of place and time, each monastery is to keep alive that tradition of welcoming guests and those in need as though they were welcoming Christ himself. Let those whom the providence of God has led to the monastery be received by the brothers with reverence and hospitality but without allowing this service to impair monastic quiet. Guests who seek to deepen their life of prayer in the monastery can count on the community’s support. According to God’s plan the monasteries are holy places, not only for believers but for all people of good will’.


Besides the guests that come to us for an individual retreat, for rest or silence, we regularly have groups staying in our guest house. The annual programme (please see the Dutch site) includes different guided themes for groups in the field of spirituality, meditation and sesshins.



Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.

- Hebr 13,2


Rucphenseweg 38
4882 KC   Klein Zundert


Abbey / Shop:
0031 (0)76 597 42 51

Guest House:
Reachable wed - fri
09:30 - 10:30 h / 18:30 - 19:30 h
0031 (0)76 597 86 10

Opening hours
Abbey Shop

Monday: Closed
Tuesday - Saturday: 14:15 - 16:45 h
Sunday after the Eucharist: 11:00 - 11:50 h

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